Department of Psychiatry, CGMH
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Professor Winston W. Shen
Lecture title: 
A balanced treatment strategy for major depression (English Lecture)
July 11, 2006





Professor Winston W. Shen

Professor and Chairman, Department of Psychiatry TMU-Wan Fang Medical Center

  • Professor Winston Wu-Dien Shen was born in Taiwan. He received medical degree from Taipei Medical College in 1970.

  • He did one year psychiatry residency training in Taipei City Psychiatric Center, then immigrated to the U.S.A. in 1972 and completed his residency  training in University of Nebraska and University of New Mexico  (1972-1975).  He practiced and taught in the U.S. for 28 years in University of New Mexico, Tulane University and Saint Louis University,  where he was on the faculty for 18 years and was a tenured professor in psychiatry.
  • He is certified by American Board of Neurology and Psychiatry for his medical subspecialty in psychiatry and drug addiction. He is a fellow of American Psychiatric Association, and a member of Society of Biological Psychiatry, Taiwanese Society of Psychiatry, and a member and a board of trustee of Taiwanese  Society of Biological Psychiatry and Psychopharmacology. He was a committee member of American Medical Association's  Diagnostic and Technology Assessment (1987-96); the editor-in-chief, Missouri Psychiatry (1988-2000); and chairman of Committee of International Education of the American Psychiatric Association (1996-1999).

  • Professor Shen returned to Taiwan in 2000 to work for his alma mater, Taipei Medical University. He is current professor of psychiatry and chief of Department of Psychiatry at TMU-Wan Fang Hospital.
  • In the past 20 years, Dr. Shen's research interest has been in the field of clinical psychopharmacology with 70 original articles  published in refereed journals to his credit. His recent book is  Clinical Psychopharmacology for the 21st Century (in Mandarin).   He lectures extensively on the various topics of psychopharmacology in USA, Taiwan, China, Hong Kong Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, the  Philippines, Austria and Korea. He is campaigning for the issues of underutilizations of antidepressants and atypical antipsychotic drugs.

It's always a pleasure to greet a friend from afar.